Sony News: Playstation Plus Price Hike – More PS4 Remastered Games Coming – PS4 Projector

Sony Promises Unparalleled PlayStation Plus Experience as Market Conditions Push Up Prices: Pushsquare

Gamescom 2015: It’s Very Likely There’ll Be More PS4 Remasters, Says Sony: Pushsquare

Sony’s New Mobile Projector For The PlayStation 4 Revealed: Geekculture


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  • Hermione Granger

    first they rise the monthly fee and you will hear the sonnyans defenders
    say, ‘its not important because the annual fee is the same’…
    everyone with a brain knows what comes next, the annual fee will rise
    too.. and then the sonnyan defenders will be there again and say, ‘its
    the best service ever so its worth it’.. its all bs.. sony can go to
    h£ll with their greed and psn servers is s h i t. sony aint getting more money, i
    am selling my ps4 on ebay this coming monday, enough is enough.

    for the players is the biggest lie ever!