Tag: kinect
Don’t Blame Microsoft for Kinect Focus: Ex-Rare Dev
1.37K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Microsoft isn't to Blame for Kinect Focus claims Ex-Rare Dev ArsTechnica Rise and fall of Kinect: Eurogamer VGN
Xbox One Cortana: NO Kinect Required
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Xbox One users are using Kinect, but it won't be required for Cortana on the new Windows 10 dashboard. Cortana: No Kinect Required for Xbox One Polygon VGN
Xbox One Button Mapping Coming to All Controllers – Cortana Delayed
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New features are coming to Xbox One controllers - Cortana delayed Xbox One Controller Button-Remapping Coming to all: Twitter Cortana Delayed for Xbox One: Verge Xbox One Elite Controller Customization: ht...
Why Does Xbox One Cortana Require Kinect?
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Why does Xbox One require Kinect for voice commands? Xbox One and Windows 10 brings new UI, Cortana this fall: Windows Central Xbox One Cortana will have full features: Windows Central VGN
Microsoft Admits Xbox One Kinect Shortcomings
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Phil Spencer on Kinect: Gamesradar
Microsoft Killed Kinect on Xbox One?
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Did Microsoft Kill Kinect on Xbox One when they unbundled it? Xbox twitter teases Cortana. Video Game News (VGN) Microsoft Forms New Xbox Team Working on “Top-Secret” Projects to “Push the Envelope” of Kinect T...

Xbox One Review: Should You Buy an Xbox One? ★Update★
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Year One Xbox One Review: I've stated repeatedly in the past that I couldn't recommend buying an Xbox One to my friends. Now that a year has gone by - has much changed? VGN: Video Games and News
Xbox Super Secret 2015
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A recent data leak from the chat app Slacker has revealed a number of private chat group names from a number of prominent companies. Among the companies whose chat groups has been exposed is Microsoft. A quick glance ...
Xbox One Stand-Alone Kinect Goes on Sale for $150
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Microsoft has announced that a stand-alone Kinect will be sold for the Xbox One in October for $150. Is Xbox One Kinect worth $150? Kinect for Xbox One to go on sale on October 7th and retail for $149.99: Microsoft

PS4 vs Xbox One ★ Same Price but Xbox has Better Games – claims Microsoft
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Microsoft claims Xbox One has better games - explains why PS4 is outselling Xbox. Why are they dropping Kinect? Microsoft still lags behind Sony as U.S. Xbox One sales slump by 50%: Gamasutra Xbox One boss talk...

No Kinect Xbox One Means ★ More Power ★ New UI ★ Xbox Live Refunds & More
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Xbox One going Kinect-Less is going to bring about some changes for Kinect owners. Refunds, more power, new UI and more Microsoft claims. Xbox Live Refunds: CVG Xbox One UI Changes coming: Polygon Xbox One t...

Kinect-Less Xbox One Coming $399 ★ Paywall Demolished
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Microsoft has announced a Kinect-Less Xbox One coming in June for $399. They've also announced Games with Gold and the end of the paywall. Xbox Wire
Xbox One Twitch Features Better than PS4 ~ Microsoft
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Microsoft is launching the Twitch TV Live streaming app on Xbox One on March 11th, in time for Titanfall. Microsoft says their app is a lot better than their competitor, the PS4. Source: Xbox Wire

Xbox One System Update ★ Headset Adaptor ★ Multiplayer & Party Chat
1.78K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Microsoft details more changes coming to the Xbox One on March 4th. They also have just announced a new headset & adaptor for existing headsets. Get to your friends list faster. The friends list wil...

Xbox One System Update ★ Patch Notes ★ Party Chat ★ Battery Indicator
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Microsoft is releasing two Xbox One system updates over the course of the next few weeks. These are the changes coming. Xbox Wire
Immersion Headset Invented to Prevent Gamer Rage
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Samuel Matson has come up with the preliminary designs for a headset that aims to get rid of gamer rage. The headset, called Immersion, uses biometricks to track the user's heart rate, which will then adjust what i...
Xbox One without Kinect Bundle Coming in 2014?
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Will we see an Xbox One without Kinect Bundle coming soon? Should we see one?
Xbox One: Good vs Bad
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After a week of owning the Xbox One, I thought i'd put together a list of items that I like and don't like with the new system. In this commentary, i'll cover the Kinect, UI, party system and other features that have...
PS4 or Xbox One? The Deciding Factor
1.26K Views0 Comments0 Likes
PS4 or Xbox One? The choice for which console I will be buying this holiday season hasn't been easy. A lot has changed and happened in the past few months since the reveal of both consoles at E3. I have had both t...
Xbox One Top Features List
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When it comes to the next generation of consoles, what is it that separates the PS4 and Xbox One when it comes to features? If one were to look at a list of features on paper, it might seem like they have more in com...
Xbox One New Details: Youtube Sharing – Friends – Kinect Features
792 Views0 Comments1 Likes
Destructoid wrote a preview of the Xbox One where we learned a few more details about the Xbox. In this commentary, we cover new information about the Xbox One friends list, Kinect features, and we learn that Youtube...
Anyone Can Build, Publish, and Sell Games on Xbox One
811 Views0 Comments0 Likes
Microsoft has announced another big policy change for the Xbox One. Indie games can now be self-published. With the Xbox 360, developers had to sign with a publisher and jump through a lot of hoops in order to get t...
Why Pay More for Less? Xbox One
1.18K Views0 Comments0 Likes
One statement that I see people repeating a lot is; Why would someone buy the Xbox One because you pay more for less? Personally, this is one argument that makes no sense to me. Maybe if your only concern is terafl...