Category: VGN Headlines
Red Dead Redemption 2 Update: Map Leaked – Reveal E3 2016?
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Red Dead Redemption 2 will be a prequel & its map has been revealed according to reports. This is the map you'll be playing in Red Dead Redemption 2: TechRadar RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 MAP LEAKED, WILL BE A PRE...
Gamestop: New Consoles Coming Soon
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According to Gamestop - New Consoles appear to be imminent. Is it a new upgraded PS4K or Xbox? Or just a Slim version? New Xbox Wifi Adaptor shows up in FEC filing. New Console Launches Could Be "Imminent," GameSto...
Did Cross-Buy Screw Microsoft? Quantum Break PC Codes Flood Ebay
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Microsoft's cross-buy promotion with Quantum Break let users pre-order the Xbox One digital version and then receive a free Windows 10 PC code for the game. Did this hurt Microsoft? Here's how it helped me. VGN
DriveClub Studio Evolution Acquired by Codemasters + More News
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Days news from VGN. DriveClub Studio has been acquired by Codemasters. Doom & Gears of War 4 Beta dates - Titanfall 2 & Microsoft E3 2016 conference date. Codemasters welcomes the team from Evolution Studio...
Microsoft Screws Up Quantum Break Xbox One Cross-Buy – Refunds for Missing PC Codes
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My first experience with Microsoft's Cross-Buy feature for Xbox One/PC is a bad one based on Quantum Break experience. Here's my review Quantum Break Tweets: Twitter Quantum Break Windows 10 Xbox One Pre-Order Cod...
Doom Gameplay Beta Review – Buy or Skip? [Doom 2016 Multiplayer]
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Doom 2016 Multiplayer Gameplay Beta Review - Thoughts and impressions Video Games and News
Ubisoft Dev Slams VR – Mocks PSVR Price
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Ubisoft creative director slams VR and mocks PSVR price point. Ubisoft Montreal Creative Director Really Hates VR, Mocks Sony’s “Mildly Ridiculous” Price for PSVR: Pure Playstation VGN
Xbox One Upgrade Will Be BIG
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Phil Spencer says he doesn't want Xbox One and a Half - in reference to PS4.5 - He wants a BIG Upgrade. 'I’m Not A Big Fan Of Xbox One And A Half,' Says Xbox Boss Phil Spencer: GameInformer Microsoft to unify PC...
Sony Fanboys Meltdown Over New PS4.5K – WTF
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Many Sony Fanboys were throwing tantrums after they learned Sony was working on a PS4.5 or PS4K Model as some have called it. But why? VGN
Why Halo Isn’t on PC…YET
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Phil Spencer explains why Halo 5 't isn't on PC: PC Gamer VGN
New Xbox One Features Coming
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Microsoft announces new Xbox One features coming soon from Build 2016. Windows 10 Anniversary Update brings New Experiences and Developer Opportunity: Windows VGN
New PS4 4K Console is REAL – Just an Upgraded Media Player?
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Sony is working on a new PS4 4K console that is more powerful. But will it play games natively at 4K resolution? Probably not. Sony's more powerful PS4 to be announced before PlayStation VR launch: Polygon We kn...
Microsoft Under Fire for Sexy Xbox School Girl Dancers – SJW’s Rage
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Microsoft is under fire and has appologized for hiring dancers wearing schoolgirl outfits for an Xbox GDC party. Microsoft apologizes for hiring erotic sexy ‘schoolgirl’ dancers at GDC party, calls it ‘unequivocall...
New 4K Upgraded PS4.5 Coming: Report
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Sources: Sony Is Working On A ‘PlayStation 4.5’: Kotaku Video Games and News
Should I Buy a PS4 PSVR Headset? Good or Bad Deal?
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Sony's PS4 / PSVR Headset will be $400+ and releasing in October. So is it worth it? Here's why it might be a bad deal. PlayStation VR Will Be Out This October For $400 [UPDATE: More Like $460]: Kotaku PLAYSTA...
PS4 vs Xbox One: Microsoft Makes Huge Announcement About Cross-Play Games
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Microsoft announces that Cross-Play will be a feature that any developer can take advantage of to allow Xbox One owners play with PC or other consoles like PS4......IF Sony allows it Xbox One Cross-Play: Xbox Wire ...
Microsoft: Xbox One / PC Cross-Buy is the Future – Good for Gamers
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Phil Spencer says the Quantum Break PC/Xbox One Cross-buy isn't an experiment - but the future. Cross-buy is a new Platform Feature, and it's good for gamers. Phil Spencer Talks Focus on Xbox One and Windows 10 Gam...
Quantum Break Coming to PC Makes Xbox Fans FREAK OUT (DX12 Cross-Buy)
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Quantum Break is coming to PC and will be Cross-Buy & Cross-Save with Xbox One. Will be the first Windows 10, DX12 only game. Quantum Break system requirements out, Windows 10 required: PCGamer Quantum Break...
New Nintendo President Kills Iwatas Dream Machine
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New Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima has cancelled a product that Satoru Iwata pressed for before his death. Nintendo's 'Quality of Life' product initiative put on ice: Gamasutra VGN
The Division Gameplay Beta Review: Buy or Skip?
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Tom Clancy's The Division Gameplay Review from the Beta. Is this a Buy or Skip?
Sony Moving Playstation to US – Restructuring
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Sony is restructuring Playstation and moving it's HQ to the US. SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment) will now be called Sony Interactive Entertainment SIE Sony creates PlayStation-focused Sony Interactive Entertainmen...
Microsoft Saves Stupid Xbox ‘Teen’ Who Racked Up $8K in Credit Card Charges
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Microsoft has reversed a decision where a stupid teen racked up over $8K in credit card charges for Xbox. Pembroke parent gets $8K Xbox bill after son racks up charges: CBC Xbox bill refunded after teen racked u...
Hackers Warn: End of Pirated Games
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New anti-piracy technology Denuvo could be the end of pirated games claim hackers. NO MORE PIRATED GAMES IN TWO YEARS, CRACKING GROUP WARNS: TorrentFreak Far Cry: Primal & Rise of the Tomb Raider Will Be Pro...
Rainbow Six Siege Tips and Tricks | RB6 Siege | Best Operators DEFENSE Part 3
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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Pro Tips and Tricks Part 3. Best RB6 Siege Operators: Defense. Strategy and tactics Guide for gameplay. Watch Part 1 & 2. Rainbow Six Siege Pro Tips and Tricks | RB6 Siege | Defen...
Transgender Gaming – Progressive or Dangerous? Normalizing a Mental Illness?
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Transgender people are being pushed & promoted in the MSM as well as other industries including gaming. Are these new norms progressive or dangerous? Are SJW's trying to normalize a mental illness or mental disord...