Sony has revealed its cloud streaming service called Playstation Now. This video goes in detail about the service and what users can expect. One disappointing bit of news was that Sony mentioned that users who have already purchased games on the Playstation Now service will not receive free access to those games.

Playstation Now video game streaming service brings old games to TV, PS4, Vita, PS3: Forbes

The Verge: Playstation Now Preview: The Verge

Sony Announces Playstation Now: The Verge

Playstation Now Details: Playstation Lifestyle


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backwards compatibility, CES, , cloud gaming, , gaikai, , , , Playstation Now, Playstation Now Cloud, , , , PS4 Cloud, , , PS4 Playstation Now, PS4 Streaming, PS4 vs XB1 Cloud, PS4 vs Xbox One Cloud, , , , tv, ,