Brad Wardell is the CEO of Stardock, a software development and computer games company. In a recent post on neowin, Brad explained how DirectX12 would benefit the PC and Xbox One. It was his statements about the Xbox One however that drew the most attention.  In this commentary, we’ll examine his statements and also compare what others in the industry have said about DX12.

The results are spectacular. Not just in theory but in practice (full disclosure: I am involved with the Star Swarm demo which makes use of this kind of technology.) While each generation of video card struggles to gain substantial performance over the previous generation, here, the same hardware will suddenly see a doubling of performance.

XBox One is the biggest beneficiary; it effectively gives every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one.


VGN: Video Games and News

DirectX12 a game changer for Xbox One: Neowin

  • Cigi

    This is the shit. We all know DX12 is a big deal. Only sony ponys are wheeping …

    • BobFour

      wake up

      • Shane Nokes

        In my opinion both sides need to wake up. We’re all gamers, let’s just enjoy what we have. 🙂

        • Xtreme Derp

          You want to let them go around being delusional and wrong, clinging to imaginary special sauce? Okay.

          • Shane Nokes

            I am a bit confused by this statement. I was referring to the anger presented by both sides. I wasn’t referring to the technology behind it the concept being presented, but the fact that gamers should be able to just enjoy games.

            They are meant to be entertainment, not war.

            As regards the technology I’ve actually worked on Xbox One projects directly. I however have not worked on anything DirectX related as regards to this technology.

            The people that I do know that are working on it have said that it really is as much of a game changer as indicated. This isn’t just coming from Microsoft, but also from AMD, nVidia, and Intel.

            If you want to be hostile about things then I won’t continue discussing things with you.

            However (and I mean this without snark) if you want to actually discuss things in a logical, sensible manner then please feel free to do so.

            I won’t respond to more hate or snark, but I will respond to intelligent, thoughtful conversation. 🙂

            I’m not saying you’re doing either one of those scenarios with me currently. I’m making that as a broad statement to all.

          • Xtreme Derp

            These new low level APIs like Mantle and DX12 are good for PC gamers because it allows devs to be more efficient and low level with their code.

            Console APIs like PS4s and Xbox One already have low level APIs. Unless MS seriously screwed up with their Xbox One API (which is called DirectX 11.x, a custom derivative of DirectX 11), the benefits are likely to be minimal.

            These low level changes mainly benefit the CPU, allowing it to have more multi-threaded efficiency and enable more draw calls. Which is why Mantle helps a lot with CPU constrained PC builds, but doesn’t do a whole lot if the CPU is already bulky enough to not bottleneck the GPU. According to Mantle benchmarks released so far.

            Finally even if Xbox has perfectly optimized software, PS4 will reach that point as well, and then it comes down to hardware, where PS4 still has a significant advantage.

            Anyone expecting Xbox games to all start running 1080p 60 fps or running better than PS4 are wrong.

          • Da GeeZ

            Shame that the games are kinda average on the sony machine.

            Xbox Won, it has the games and the FUN.

          • You are flat out wrong

            Kinect Sports Rivals is out, another stinker of a game alongside Fighter Within, Lococycle and Ryse. Only on Sh*tbox Done. 🙂

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Ah, so you’ve played it then?

            Of course not, how silly of me to think of you as impartial and open to such things 😉

          • Shane Nokes

            Mantle is a different approach than the DX12 approach. That’s why AMD, nVidia, and Intel are all cheering this on. It makes them look good when all of a sudden their hardware appears to be much more powerful due to better optimization.

            Also as you get closer and closer to running on ‘bare metal’ the performance increases get larger, not smaller. You get increasing returns up until a specific point, before the law of diminishing returns kicks in.

            We have not yet reached that point, which is why the amounts being claimed are possible.

            Right now nearly all games, especially newer titles are far more CPU constrained than they are GPU constrained.

            This however relieves bottlenecks both on the CPU and GPU especially when titles are designed with Heterogeneous Computing in mind.

            Steps like this can help remove the need for things like Crossfire…which has been difficult to implement properly to say the least.

          • Xtreme Derp

            Console APIs like PS4s and Xbox One are already supposed to be low level. Unless MS seriously screwed up with their Xbox One API (which is called DirectX 11.x, a custom derivative of DirectX 11), the benefits are likely to be minimal. DX12 is still mainly a benefit to PCs.

            These low level changes mainly benefit the CPU. Which is why Mantle helps a lot with CPU constrained PC builds, but doesn’t do a whole lot if the CPU is already bulky enough to not bottleneck the GPU. Basically the only way you’d see “twice the graphics” is if the GPU was being severely bottlenecked by the CPU.

            Xbox One’s benefit depends on how low level the current API already is, and whether Xbox One games are CPU bottlenecked, as these low level changes are mainly a CPU benefit. Being able to run CPU code more efficiently will free up some CPU power, but that doesn’t have a direct relation to GPU rendering unless it was bottlenecked.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

            Even if Xbox had a far more powerful CPU and far more memory bandwidth (it doesn’t), it’s ability to render graphics is STILL limited by the weaker GPU. There is no getting around that, no free lunch.

            Here are two good articles on the subject:



          • Jimmy_Jangle

            I wouldn’t bother with Mike Pope – yeah, that’s his real name…

            Used to have a disqus account as Mikeherp Derp but got a little too butthurt from all the schooling he received….

    • Xtreme Derp

      This is complete nonsense that only the dumbest and most gullible fanboys believe in. Go to beyond3d, anandtech, or any tech focused forum, they’re all laughing at how ridiculous this is.

      • Failz

        So the people who created PS4’s GPU and CPU are gullible fanboys? lolololol learn to except the truth, you brought your system off hype at E3.

        • Xtreme Derp

          Keep chugging that misterxidiot kool-aid, I hear you can wash it down with a huge plate of crow.

          • Failz

            It hurts you knowing the X1 is a good system.

          • Xtreme Derp

            LOL. Mentally ill deranged Microsoft fanboy can’t accept the truth so they keep making up insane and WRONG conspiracy theories about sekrit sauce.

          • Failz

            Going to have to link facts if you want people to change because deep down, on one cares what a PS fanboy thinks. period.

          • Xtreme Derp

            Visit beyond3d forums, they’re all laughing at this delusional nonsense.

          • Failz

            Lol no one cares what you fangirls think. Prove that DX12 is nonsense???

          • Shane Nokes

            Beyond3D laughs at a lot of things. Personally they are a joke within the industry…

          • You are flat out wrong


            Pick one.

          • Failz


          • You are flat out wrong

            One out of the two, cheater! 😀

          • Shane Nokes

            Hmm. It seems that you’re actually potentially mentally ill, perhaps with Bi-Polar Disorder.

            I recognize the pattern of hatred and lashing out as indicative of the condition as I also have Bi-Polar disorder.

            It’s best not to post at times when we’re not well. That’s something that’s true at all times.

          • Xtreme Derp

            Uh no. The only mentally ill ones around here are the Microsoft fanboys harboring fevered delusions and conspiracy theories about Xbox being secretly more powerful.

            Once again visit misterxmedia’s blog, you’ll see.

    • You are flat out wrong

      100%? Delusional. Try closer to 20% and faster porting between PC and console in 2016. DX12 will not do anything other than keep Xbot peckers up during the next horrible year that they have.

      • Xtreme Derp

        Bro the secret sauce is right here, you’re just in denial!

        • Shane Nokes

          Actually they were agreeing with whatever agenda you are pushing. So it seems that you are trolling both sides?

          Is your life so without meaning that you feel the need to do so? I say that not with anger, but out of honest curiosity.

          • Dale

            Good sense of humor you have… Lighten up a bit

          • Shane Nokes

            I actually do have a sense of humor. 😛

          • Xtreme Derp

            It’s called an ironic joke. Visit misterxmedia’s blog if you want to see what kind of madness Xbox fanboys are dreaming up.

      • Failz


    • Abel De Jesus

      It’ll optimize X1 power like it does for PC. I understand xbotz want a do over so they don’t have the least powerful hardware but real life is filled with hard truths.

      • Arnold Stallone

        What directx34 would look like?

  • Guy Brohski

    This is awesome news for XB1 owners. Halo 5 is going to be bad ass!

  • Gamingsince75

    Man Sony fans will attack anything even things they haven’t got a clue on to downplay MS or Nintendo.
    I guess I would be busy down playing other console too if I spent $450.00 and the only thing I had to look forward to was a baseball game. That in and of itself shows just how bad it is to be a PS gamer. Nothing but mediocre exclusives, old PC ports and Baseball…

    • You are flat out wrong

      I guess I would be busy down playing other console too if I spent
      $500.00 and the only thing I had to look forward to was nothing.
      That in and of itself shows just how bad it is to be an Xbox gamer.
      Nothing but mediocre exclusives, old 360 ports and pipe dreams…

      • Shane Nokes

        Why hate on other fellow gamers at all? This isn’t a war. This isn’t a conflict. It’s video games folks. You know, fun?

      • Failz


    • Xtreme Derp

      Or possibly people who understand technology don’t like this nonsense being spread, and want to state the facts?

  • Sǯdi Sǻymeh

    sounds great , i hope that will fix the resolution problem , and i hope they will show it in like a demo or something because it sounds too good to be true

    • Shane Nokes

      The nice thing is that with how the Xbox One is designed is that the games can have the higher resolutions patched into them later if this does turn out to be as great as claimed.

      I’m not saying that the devs will do it necessarily, but that it should be possible.

    • Xtreme Derp

      It is too good to be true. Only the dumbest and most gullible fanboys are eating this up.

      If they’re both running at the same resolution the Xbox version will have lower framerate and/or visual effects, or the PS4 hardware isn’t being pushed. There’s no free lunch.

      • Sǯdi Sǻymeh

        if this hing is true them the res will go up and nothing will be lowered . the PS4 won’t have DX12 MS made it exclusive , and now PS4 have more powerful hardware than X1 so this will make them on the same bar (unless sony somehow came up with something like this to make PS4 even more powerful than what it is now)

        • Xtreme Derp

          They’re both going to optimize their software and APIs/SDKs, it comes down to hardware.

  • choujij

    lol. I’ll believe it when I see it. As soon as its implemented, they can start by patching Titanfall first.

    • Xtreme Derp

      I’m sure they’ll get Titanfall running 1080p 60 fps any day now.

  • Titto

    PS4 has sold 7 million while X1 has just squeaked by 4 million. We won’t even see the new changes DX 12 will bring for at least a year with new games in development. How are PS4 fans worried?

    • Kevin Johnson-Cadle

      Because your system might not be as powerful anymore and you wont have many good exclusive games. How much the ps4 sell should not effect you unless you own junk sony stock.

      • Xtreme Derp

        The hardware isn’t changing, it will always be “as powerful” as it currently is.

        PS3 had mountains of great exclusive games, expect the same with PS4.

        Some people like discussing sales, want to cry about it?

        • Failz

          Did you watch the video? hardware is nothing without good software to run it. Its like a fast engine running on gas, might be more powerful but without the right fuel its not going anywhere. MS are the best in the business when it comes to software and they don’t need the best hardware to prove it.

      • Abel De Jesus

        Lol you must live with your parents and dumb as sh**.

        • Failz

          That picture doesn’t show frame rate… poor attempt 0/10

        • Neil Riley

          DX10 version looks nicest to me but I guess having the FPS is important when trying to make this statement.

    • Shane Nokes

      I don’t think either side should be worried. I do believe that a lot of the Sony lead is related to number of potential customers in supported regions. Once MS opens up the X1 to more regions we should see sales go up. 🙂

      • Xtreme Derp

        Tier 2 launches won’t do jack for Xbox sales. It’s not catching up globally.

        • XboxGamer33

          And he’s back!

          • Xtreme Derp

            Dumb as rocks, constantly WRONG, mentally ill Microsoft fanboy.

    • Failz

      You do understand that sales don’t make your games better or look better right? X1 doesn’t have to sell better then PS4 to have the better games and software. But you can believe sales mean everything. Look at Knack (54) Killzone SF (73) and Infamous (80) those aren’t standout reviews and there all created on the best selling system. Look at WiiU, has better games and is the worst selling console.

      • You are flat out wrong

        Very true. The Xbone sold 3.8 million so far with nothing behind it except stinkers like Ryse, Fighter Within and Lococycle, and mediocre 360 ports like Forza 5 and DR3.

        • Failz

          And yet none of them were made by 1st party studios in MS except Forza 5 which has a better score then all 3 1st party exclusives from Sony.
          Knack made by Sony for Sony.
          Fighter Within made by nobody for nobody.

          • You are flat out wrong

            An Xbone game is an Xbone game, especially if they’re all you have because you have no games until November! Own it!

          • Failz

            How’s Killzone SF (The Halo killer…) Where are the games for PS4. Infamous SS a game so overhyped it barely scraped in an 80 metascore lolololol I mean at least use proof to your arguments, Sony’s 1st party games are bad this gen so far. I have 600 games on Steam that make PSN look bad because I don’t have to pay a subscription to use it or play multiplayer. Dead Rising 3 is as good as Infamous SS and that’s a launch title lol.

          • You are flat out wrong

            No one was talking up Knack. People were talking up Ryse though. Big mistake! At least Knack had gameplay.

          • Failz

            Knack 54 meta
            Ryse 60 meta
            Ryse wasn’t made by MS
            Knack was made by Sony
            Fans were talking up Knack, and at 1 stage when it outsold Mario 3D World they were bragging about it lol pitty that fame only lasted a week.

          • You are flat out wrong

            No one was talking up Knack.

  • Arnold Stallone

    The Microsoft PR machine at full speed.
    Now that titanfall frantic is over, and it barely sold new Xbox 1, Microsoft needs to come up with new things to make Xbox fans dream.

    Directx12… tile rendering… Please tell me what’s in there that Sony can’t implement on the ps4? Lol, really…

    Diectx12… with a bit of luck, it will be ready by the in of 2015-mars 2016. The first games fully using it will arrive by 2017… 2017 is just 2 years before Microsoft introduce a new console. Think about that, poor dumbasses.

    After 2015, all Microsoft will do is buying exclusive content for call of duty and release a new halo and gears game. Exactly what they did since 2010, on the x360.

    Can’t people stop 2 minutes to realize this is the classic PR crap from Microsoft, to make fans fap a little more,over future announced amazing powers that will come out of their ass? Haven’t you been fool enough with kinekt, red ring of death, almost no exclusive games during 8 years, 60 bucks a year for playing online, etc etc.
    They almost ruined and ended the gaming industry forever, with may announcements, they released a system 100% made for north america(TV, sports, TV guides, cable box, all that crap outside north america an UK is worth a truck full of horse shit, because it doesn’t work because it never was supposed to work), a system that struggles at 720p( just wait watchdogs, it will be the next 720p game vs 1080p on the ps4), micro transactions on 90% of the games: ryse,crimson dragon, forza5, killer instinkt, etc etc), even Skype is behind a pay wall and needs a live membership. Even Netflix access needs a live membership. Etc etc.
    They keep putting it deeper and deeper up your anus, every single year, and you guys, keep on believing in all these promises of infinite power.
    Just look at the cloud announcements, that were supposed to make an Xbox one 3 times more powerful. Remember that? Remember that, idiots? When was the last time you enabled the ‘cloud’ option in a game, and the game went from average 30 fps 720p to 1080p 60fps, with the cloud power? When, idiots, when?

    And once again, you are all excited because they promise twice the processing power with a routines/directx update. How old are you all, you 30 million Xbox fans. How fking old are you?

    I guess you all remember when Microsoft engineers discovered that the esram could double it’s speed and bandwidth, from 100 to 200 GB. You remember those magic numbers, don’t you? With that amazing double speed, please remind me, what resolution games like killer instinct, dead rising 3, ass creed black flag, mgs ground zero, call of duty, battlefield 4, tomb raider(half fps) and 95% of the remaining multiplatform games or Xbox one exclusive games , were all running at?
    720p, dumbasses. Where is the ‘twice the speed’ of your esram?

    There must be 150-300 million Sony and Nintendo gamers, at this precise moment, putting their hands over their head, along a huge face palm, all thinking ‘ how can these Xbox fans be that stupid to always believe in these crap?’
    ‘How can we be so immature and innocent, to always believe in what the PR machine, and all these paid websites like poolygon, journalists, and other famous devs have to say.’.

    ‘How can a gamer, mature, with his full head and brain, with minimum of intelligence, still trust Microsoft, that always killed the gaming industry with their policies, last may, turning gamers/buyers into enslaved indoctrined walking wallets that would spend thousands $ on games, content, etc, during several years, without ever owning a single physical content’

    OK, one thing is sure. 95% of the 30-35 million Xbox fans are, for sure, 10-17 yo kids, who live in their little room, at daddy/mom, who buy them Xbox consoles ( 3,4,5,etc, as they kept dying, with the red ring of death, heating issues, discs scratched and many other severe issues, which the US press like gamespoot kept hiding(just try to search ‘red ring of death, or rrod, on gameSpoot search engine, you won’t find any articles about it. Everything and all comments got deleted, like a tabou; like a negationist that will claim Holocaust never happened), and those US kids only want an Xbox system where they can play an fps game whose main characters are US marines or soldiers, where the combats are set in the US, of course, if possible, in new York(crysis games, and 99% of fps games), and the main story is about the US that must protect and save the planet from ugly Russian/ Pakistan/ Afghanistan terrorists, for the 244th time in a game.

    This is the profile of 30 million Xbox fans. What else/more can we expect from these guys, regarding Microsoft BS released every 2 days?

    These kids couldn’t care less about may policies, no rent/sell/trade games, no physical ownership of whatever purchased item. They couldn’t care less about the huge pay wall behind the Xbox one, where even Skype requires a 60$ live membership, or the fact most games are full of micro transactions, instead of being full with great content(forza5 has like 60% less content that the previous forzas games, and even finishing 1st in 1000 races, after 500 hours of gameplay, won’t give the player a single free car: ‘the game recommends X car, among many others. You can get this car for only xx credits, which mean 10-20, 30$ in real money, for a single car.
    Of course, these 30 million fans absolutely don’t give a FCK about whatever Microsoft invent does or say. All they want is playing call of duty, halo and gears, and yelling at their buddies, and sending vocal messages with death threats, to female gamers, and saying they will impregnate them, etc, and making the poor girls feel like shit, because call of duty, is only for the tough dudebro.

    Of course, anytime a news like this pops in, on forums or tweets/Facebook, without understanding 0.001% of what the FCK that I’d about, these 30 million kids are all happy, because their console will become even more powerful that the ps4(because for them, the Xbox one already IS, OF COURSE, the most powerful console).
    Just like they believed in the second hidden Xbox one GPU, the invite power of the cloud, the speed increase of the esram, the 1 billion Microsoft invested in games(or rather invested paying yotubers, pooolygon reviews, shills like the Adam Sessliar, journalists, the whole US press, and hundreds millions $ for call of duty exclusive content, titsonfall, gears of war studios, insomniac games, etc, because it’s much easier to buy creativity than being creative), and many other promises for incredible incoming content and amazing exclusives, etc etc, and now, they come with this directx12 announcements and claims about twice the processing power, and these 30 million kids are once again in heaven, believing and dreaming. And since they love their Xbox, of course, they hate Sony. But true hate. Hate that many websites contribute on increasing it. Like some news websites, that deliberately create headlines and posts with the unique goal of generating hate and war, because hate and war generate clicks and views, and everytime a page is loaded, tons of Google ads are ‘printed’ (,displayed) on the screen, and all those millions prints and occasional clics generate cash. Thee sites don’t give a FCK about informing us about games. They coulnd care less if the visitor is human, a dog or a bear, as long as pages are loaded and Google ads are displayed, that’s the goal.

    Hate, hate and more hate. These 30 million kids love their Xbox so much, that they hate everything else. We could offer them a ps3 and a ps4, with 8 controllers, and 200 AAA titles + 10 years PS+ , they would say no, and would even spit on it.

    OK, people in the world, Nintendo gamers and Sony gamers. There you have. If you read this comment till the end, you now know the profile of these 30 million Xbox fans. As you did pretty well noticed, there is nothing that can be done. They don’t understand, they will never understand, and they don’t want to understand even the most basic things in life. There is nothing that can be done. Talking to them on forums is useless. Trying to make them understand a few things and make them realize they are being fooled, were fooled and will continue being fooled by Microsoft, is useless as well.

    We must let them live their lives, indoctrinated, blind, enslaved.their god is called Microsoft, and each announcement from them, like this directx12 thing, is like words from the Messiah himself. They will believe in them, and nothing is more valuable than that. The Xbox console is like something sent by god himself, and each announcement is a true fact from God’s mouth. They will believe in it, and will hate all those who won’t believe it.

    Xbox fans are really something special, for sure.
    Don’t mess with them. Just let them believe in what they want. And when the directx12 based first games will be released on the Xbox one, by 2016-2017, Sony fans will have a catalog of 200-300 AAA titles to play, on their ps4 + 300-500 great games on the PS vita, and uncharted 5 will look 3 times better than uncharted 4, which already looked 2-3 times better than killzone sf or infamous SS.

    OK Microsoft and you 30 million Xbox fans: what’s next? What will be the next announcement from Microsoft, that will once again multiply its processing power by 2x? Maybe 10 Xbox one controllers connected in parallel ? Or a mini/portable electron accelerator, to put around the power brick, to make the electrons move 10 times faster? Will the Xbox one fan capture the dust, recycle it, and give more electricity to the motherboard, to make all the chips and components run 5 times faster?

    What would give you 30 million 2.5 inches long hard on?

    PS. I was forgetting something really important. Now that Adam sessliar will finally officially join and work for Microsoft as manager of the PR departments, there should be amazing announcements for the Xbox one, not 1 per week, like currently, but 5 per week. That bald head is really a genious. I always knew it.

    • XboxGamer33

      Just so you know, none of the launch games, to any game out now uses the eSRAM. Only Dying Light and Sniper Elite have said to be using it in some way and they are 1080p (at least Sniper Elite is) and Wolfenstein is already at 1080p on both so we’ll have to give it some time as more games release

      • Xtreme Derp

        LOL “none of the launch games, to any game out now uses the eSRAM”! You’re completely making things up and grasping at “1080p straws” of unreleased games.

        How dumb, delusional, and constantly WRONG can these Microsoft fanboys get?

        PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs.

        • XboxGamer33

          Not only did I rape you earlier today, but now you want to get more schooling… Alright let’s take your Deep Down exclusive as an example. Capcom said that it would be the first game to get their new next gen engine, DR3 didn’t use this engine you retard..

          There you have it designed for the PS4, DR3 was pretty much using DR2s engine with a shitload more zombies on screen..

          And these games are fucking announced… I don’t even know why I go to such lengths to show you how stupid you are..

          There you have it, announced games that only a moron wouldn’t know are coming. And 1080p for both systems because of updated SDKs for the Xbox and developers actually taking time to use the system… Try and mount ANY counterargument.. I will just spit it back in your face

          • Xtreme Derp

            Mentally ill, dumb as a brick, constantly WRONG fanboy imbecile.

            Anything you say is a complete joke after claiming Xbox games haven’t used ESRAM yet. What a massively ignorant, stupid, WRONG fanboy tool.

            Absolutely disgusting and pure evil fanboy sack of sh*t to be so arrogant and hateful yet so IMMENSELY STUPID AND WRONG.

          • XboxGamer33

            Instead of doing what you’ve been doing, which is you know… Insult and cry like a 4 year old… Why don’t you idk… Show me links and facts that prove what I say is wrong? Like you did earlier… On one thing and ignored everything else sheesh.. You’re as reliable as PlayStation network

          • Failz

            Xtreme Derp is a Xtreme Derp, his just living up to his name.

          • XboxGamer33

            Man you are right, I show him why he’s wrong multiple times and time after time after time and he just screams foul and copy and pastes everything… Idk why I try with this moron -_-

          • Xtreme Derp

            LOL you just made one of the most stupid, ignorant, WRONG claims I’ve ever seen from a Microsoft fanboy, that Xbox One games up to now don’t use ESRAM.


          • Failz

            What game uses ESRAM? properly?

          • Xtreme Derp

            LOL don’t even think of moving the goalposts to “PROPERLY USING DUH ESRAM HURR DURR” worthless fanboy imbecile.

          • Failz


          • Da GeeZ

            ESRAM…. don’t be frightened derpy werpy.

          • Xtreme Derp

            Brainless misterx kool-aid drinker.

          • Xtreme Derp

            LOL you just made one of the most stupid, ignorant, WRONG claims I’ve ever seen from a Microsoft fanboy, that Xbox One games up to now don’t use ESRAM.


          • XboxGamer33

            Alright you fucking retard name one game engine out right now that supports the tiling resources that eSRAM utilizes? Name it ONE next gen engine designed with the next gen system aside from the Deep Down game I just showed you. I’m waiting

          • Xtreme Derp

            LOL TILED RESOURCES ESRAM LATENCY WILL SAVE DUH XBOX just another load of straw grasping BS from insane misterxcultists

            You’re far too stupid, delusional, and ignorant to understand why “tiled resources ESRAM” is a load of BS.

            You went from “it doesn’t use the ESRAM” into insane misterxcultist territory with tiled resources. Good lord you’re a worthless and brainless fanboy.

          • XboxGamer33

            Your stupidity is what makes me comment. Only a fucking retard can’t see the correlation that I put between tiled resources and eSRAM… So yes my statement holds true, NOTHING uses eSRAM Dying Light developers were the first ones to say that they use it in any significant way. Dude just go kill yourself PLEASE! It’s past your bed time and I’m just getting stupider by the second..

            And misterxmedia is almost as stupid as you are.. Only delusional people will follow what he says as truth. I take my facts from actual developers and online sources

          • Xtreme Derp

            Of course, pure evil trying to backtrack from what you just said and telling people smarter and more knowledgeable than you to kill themselves.

            You’re reciting garbage straight from misterxturd’s blog with “DURR ESRAM TILED RESOURCES”, you’re immensely stupid and worthless.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

            Keep crying about the facts, misterxturd.

          • XboxGamer33

            I already gave you a link to the developers showcasing of tiled resources use. Of course it was one of the comments you flat out ignored at your attempt to grasp straws to make me seem stupid. I already proved it to you, so I don’t even need to say anything. You fail to see why any engine uses eSRAM, you fail to see the correlation with eSRAM and TR. I’m done here it’s late where I am

          • Failz

            Don’t waste your time, his on team pink.

          • XboxGamer33

            Seriously man, I’m done. Idk what fanboy has their nose so far up Sony’s ass that they can’t see proper logic and facts that you and I are giving them… But I guess they exist -_-

          • Da GeeZ

            Wow… the ESRAM thing really get’s him rattled.
            Are you afraid of the ESRAM derpy boy?
            Does it make you scared?

          • Neil Riley

            Sadly, the XB1 has lower spec, slower GPU and slower RAM. There is little you can do here. Sure DX12 will help but do you think for one minute the PS4 will stand still. I think Sony are gently going about their business knowing then hold the upper hand and Microsoft are frantically feeding as much PR news as possible in the knowledge that
            1) it’ll start a huge fan boy war
            2) it’ll convince a few idiots that it must be true.

            Dying Light is running 1080p/60 on PS4 and has done for a lotng time now, yes they may get it to run 1080p on XB1 as well but at 60fps? what does 60fps actually mean? 40 – 60 ? which console will have the most consistant framerate do you think?

            Elite Sniper 3, now there is a game with little going on, it it can’t be done at 1080p then shame on everyone involved (btw, I have both of the above pre-ordered)

            Shall we start talking about Metal gear solid?

            It’s a rock solid 1080p/60 on PS4 and 720p/60 on XB1, again, rock solid but it is clear that the PS4 version is by far the best version and there is a reason for that, it is running on far superior hardware.

            The fact is that Microsoft totally underestimated Sony this time around, totally. They have been scrambling every since to claw back the difference between the two machines and yes, they have closed the gap by upping clock speeds but they have a long long way to go.

          • Failz

            Why dont you do the talking after DX12 is released and see if your correct. Also the X1 has a faster CPU then the PS4. (PS4 1.6ghz / X1 1.75ghz) DX12 is going to boost the CPU even further for X1 giving the X1 a much greater CPU then the PS4. Why do fanboys forget the CPU in consoles?

          • Neil Riley

            Do you really believe an extra 150 Mhz is going to make up for everything else? Really??

            As for MSG:GZ being hobbled, It’s funny that the 360 version is better than the PS3 version.

            To be honest, Id love XB1 to close the gap to PS4 because it’d mean Sony will have to make an effort to maximise the PS4 to maintain the gap which is a win win situation for everyone so…. good luck DX12, my fingers are crossed for you.

          • Failz

            Well that tells you the X1 doesnt have lower specs. If you put MS vision together you will understand they focus there console around there CPU. Its why they beefed up there CPU, used DDR3 ram and DX12 is design to reduce CPU load by 50%. Why is it so hard to believe DX12 will improve X1 by a ton. AMD nVidia and Intel all commented saying its awesome.

          • You are flat out wrong

            It does have lower specs. Most of the benefits are for PC. Xbone already has a low-level API. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment, which will make your tears even more sweeter.

          • Failz

            I game on PC champ, and my PC > X1 and PS4. DX12 will benefit both PC and X1 and it will not benefit PS4.

          • You are flat out wrong

            PC gets most of the benefits, Xbone gets faster porting. Time to deal with it, son. 🙂

          • XboxGamer33

            I wouldn’t use MGS as an example because it seemed like a lazy port job to me. It was developed primarily on PS4 after all. Also the only true 1080p locked 60fps game is Forza 5. I mean I could be wrong if you can provide me a link

          • Da GeeZ

            yeah kojima is basically in sonys pocket, those japs stick together. sounds like he didn’t care to me.

          • XboxGamer33

            Yeah seriously. The only reason why it’s even on Xbox is due to the fact that MS wanted to add some of Sony exclusives onto Xbox like Kingdom Heart, Final Fantasy, and MGS. But we know how the Japanese are haha

          • You are flat out wrong

            Flopza 4.5 looks like crap.

          • XboxGamer33

            Lmao you really expect me to take this picture seriously?? Well it does have a high fps than your precious drive club… Hell who knows when that will come out

          • You are flat out wrong

            It’s a gameplay screenshot. Sorry to break your heart. Flopza 5 needed significant shortcuts to be 1080p 60fps on Xbone.


          • XboxGamer33

            Did you just compare pictures from a showcase, obviously using a PC to a youtubers gameplay… From YouTube? Wow… Let’s be honest here, PS4 was already exposed to be using a PC when showing off Watch Dogs as seen from their later gameplay commercial. Forza doesn’t look anywhere like that if you’re playing on idk… An actual 1080p HD TV not a YouTube video. Obviously it isn’t as good as a PC, but your argument has a huge fallacy right there. And besides it has the smartest AI in the drivatars, try comparing precise replication of peoples driving to Killzones AI… Or even better Infamous sparsely populated Seattle with the worlds greatest AIs…

            Pretty games take a lot of shortcuts. And all PS4 has are pretty games, so stop being a fanboy and look at the whole picture… I know it’s hard for you

          • You are flat out wrong

            Obviously you ignored the chunk of text at the bottom. Forza was downgrade city. I’m sorry to have to tell you.

          • XboxGamer33

            That’s what I’m tell you… If this comparison was made on a YouTube video or even on console vs a high end PC it would obviously be much weaker… Also this seems like a fanboy site, they stated 4 years of working with the XOne hardware… Forza 4 was released in 2011. What did they just ignore Forza 4 and think they skipped 3 to 5? Don’t make me laugh… Lastly I will point your attention to Watch Dogs from E3 to Watch Dogs from last month… The visual downgrades from the cars to the environment is massive. Please don’t act like this has never happened before

          • You are flat out wrong

            They showed it off on devkits then started hacking at it for retail. That’s just the way things happened. Sorry.

          • Failz

            Why are you looking at a rush launch title game? I own Forza 5 and its the best looking racer to buy at this very day. We all know Turn 10 had to get this game out the door for launch. Wait until Forza 6 and compare. Now go back to playing your last gen racer in GT6.

          • You are flat out wrong

            The last gen racer that kicked Flopza 5’s ass? Another post of yours that matches your user name. 🙂

          • Da GeeZ


            Wow mate… you really struck a nerve here with derpy boy.
            He nearly blew a gasket 🙂

          • Xtreme Derp

            Factual PS4 Hardware Advantages: +6 CUs, +560 GFlops (44% greater), +16 ROPs, +6 ACEs/CQs, better GPGPU support, better performing CPU, and faster unified memory. PS4 OS may also have less overhead or reserves.

            Both Sony and MS have world class coders that will extract every bit of performance out of their consoles with their drivers/APIs/SDKs. The difference is PS4 simply has more powerful hardware to work with, so it will always stay ahead in graphics performance.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

            PS4 has the superior version of all console AAA multiplats, The Order, Driveclub, MLB 14: The Show, Deep Down, Lily Bergamo, Uncharted 4, more 1st party devs, more dev support including indies, and unannounced 1st party games (Gran Turismo, God of War, etc.) Titanfall 2 will almost certainly be on PS4.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs.

          • Failz

            All that hardware and it cant use DX12 lol poor guy. Wait till Halo 5 comes out and it will show you how good those CU’s and GFlops are in the ps4.

          • Da GeeZ

            Shite list of exclusives again

            Fun? Is there any FUN on the failstation4???

            Nope… didn’t think so. There’s no point to the FS4 yet, and from your little list there won’t be for quite a while to come.

  • Steven Solidarios

    AMD has already said DirectX 12 is basically Mantle.

    • Xtreme Derp

      DirectX 12 low level support for AMD cards is probably similar to how Mantle works. Not sure on Nvidia support.

  • Xtreme Derp

    Apparently crow is Microsoft fanboys favorite dish after being constantly WRONG over and over and over again.

    • XboxGamer33

      Before you try to make Sony look like the superhero of gaming

      • Xtreme Derp

        Ancient history that has NOTHING to do with you dumb as bricks, delusional, WRONG fanboy imbeciles.

        • XboxGamer33

          Awww did I strike a nerve? Your chart is even wrong as like I said earlier no engine employs tiled resources… Gosh I’m done responding to you.. My brain cells suffer with each copy and paste you do.

          • Xtreme Derp

            “like I said earlier no engine employs tiled resources”

            what your imbecile, dumb as bricks Microsoft fanboy retard brain ACTUALLY SAID WAS

            “”none of the launch games, to any game out now uses the eSRAM”

            Watch how quickly the evil malicious sack of sh*t fanboy tries to rewrite what they just said.

            You’re too dumb to even understand why “tiled resources” isn’t some kind of miracle graphics performance enhancer. You’re a stock DUMB AS BRICKS MISTERXIMBECILE.

            Factual PS4 Hardware Advantages: +6 CUs, +560 GFlops (44% greater), +16 ROPs, +6 ACEs/CQs, better GPGPU support, better performing CPU, and faster unified memory. PS4 OS may also have less overhead or reserves.

            Both Sony and MS have world class coders that will extract every bit of performance out of their consoles with their drivers/APIs/SDKs. The difference is PS4 simply has more powerful hardware to work with, so it will always stay ahead in graphics performance.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

            PS4 has the superior version of all console AAA multiplats, The Order, Driveclub, MLB 14: The Show, Deep Down, Lily Bergamo, Uncharted 4, more 1st party devs, more dev support including indies, and unannounced 1st party games (Gran Turismo, God of War, etc.) Titanfall 2 will almost certainly be on PS4.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs.

          • XboxGamer33

            Yeah you’re right, I’m all these big words you try to use to sound smart in arguments which is a huge logical fallacy… Hey do you believe in PlayStation Now? Because if you do you’re more delusional than I am

          • Xtreme Derp

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it
            has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with
            better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better
            framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

          • XboxGamer33

            That doesn’t even answer my question… What IS your reading level? Did you kill yourself yet? I’m done answering to your delusions

          • Da GeeZ

            There are no games for the failstation4 worth playing. The exclusives you quote are either average or just ok.

            There are no games on the failstation4 that make me want to buy one. So… Xbox Won… because it just has the FUN.

            You can’t get around it mate… Xbox Won has the games and the FUN.

            Keep quoting ya numbers mate… I guess that’s more fun for you than real games.

          • Da GeeZ

            Yet another list of SHITE exclusives, dribbling the same bullshit time after time.
            Whats the point of quoting numbers if there’s no games?

            The failstation4 has NO games… FULL STOP.

        • Da GeeZ

          Bhahahaha… remember the shocking PSN hack mate… it took sony over a week to tell it’s customers that they might need to change their passwords.
          They don’t care about their customers, they never have, it’s ALL bullshit.
          Keep lapping that bullshit up derp mate, drink it on down.

      • Da GeeZ

        Precisely, sony have a long and well documented history of BULLSHIT.
        But for some reason sonyfanboys love the taste of sony bullshit, they just lap it up like there’s no tomorrow… don’t yer xtreme derp.
        I’ll give sony another 2 years before it collapses and get’s sold off… derp mate, try and milk it as best you can while you can… sony won’t be around for much longer.

        Xbox Won!!!

        • XboxGamer33

          You just can’t speak sense to these people man I swear -_-

          • You are flat out wrong

            Xdrone support group thread. How adorable.

      • You are flat out wrong

        LOL, keep stretching back into history. Won’t make the Xbone any less sh*t. 🙂

        • XboxGamer33

          Well considering that the XOne can suspend games, where I can suspend Titanfall and go use an independent app like Netflix and come back to where I left makes it more next gen then your game machine… Let’s also add in the fact that tomorrow/today XOne will update YouTube to allows us to snap it (another feature that the PS4 can’t do and prolly never will do) so I can basically play games while a guide is running alongside it… Also allowing me to upload a video straight from the console… You don’t even have a YouTube app -_- hell last time Sony tried to upgrade the console it caused saving issues for many gamers… So yeah your PS4 is evolving alright

          • You are flat out wrong

            Vita did that years ago. Wouldn’t know about the PS4 though, I don’t use “apps” (I bought a games console to play games, shocker) but I think it can access them in the XMB but can’t run them at the same time like the ADHDbox Done can.

            Hahaha, the “feel” of next gen.

            Hey! I can run a guide while playing a game too! Already having a laptop and phone helps. Xbox: giving ingenious solutions to problems that don’t actually exist.

            Keep justifying your emotional connection to a terrible brand and awful console, “XboxGamer,” maybe one day it will have been worth it.

          • XboxGamer33

            Yes because we in the next gen want to do the simple shit that past gen are giving us. You’re making yourself out to be a massive joke… If you wanna play high end graphics let’s… Wait for it, get a PC? Oh my, big surprise. Wait I can plug in a PC to my games console, guess I can have the best of both worlds. Don’t bring the vita into this because that’s just grasping at irrelevant ammo -_-. Lastly realistically, the average consumer doesn’t know nor care about XMB or ADHD.. Get over yourself

            Way to attack the added functionality that the competition has over your “games” console with things that (again) don’t relate to the two. Yes I will pause AC 4 to pull up a cell phone, and watch a game guide.. Wait where was I suppose to go? Let me rewind and watch it 10 more times… Or I can have them running seamlessly on the same screen by simply saying Xbox Snap.. What’s more convenient :O. Lastly the world doesn’t revolve around you, because you have a laptop doesn’t mean every gamer (especially casual ones that make up the majority of the consumers) have one.

            And what are you doing now? I’m giving you fanboys facts and you morons attack everything Xbox like it’s some kind of holy war. Hilariously enough you actually accuse me of defending a “terrible” brand through emotional connection.

            But hey I’m sure you are one of those guys that will gladly pay $400 to play next gen indies that PCs have had for forever. No I’m sorry, you’ve got the real next gen feel right there.

          • You are flat out wrong

            I’d rather build a rig than get a Sh*tbox tbh. And why the hell would I want to plug it into my console?

            If you’re too dumb to not be able to memorise a route or pause occasionally then maybe the Xbone is the right console for you. Talk about “convenience” all you want, it just reeks of laziness and not worth $500. Again: ingenious solutions to problems that don’t actually exist.

            You aren’t giving any facts. You’re trying to justify your purchase, which is pretty sad. Then again if you had games you wouldn’t need to.

            Sadly I bought mine for first party exclusives and the best console versions of third party games, the indie stuff is the icing on the cake. I’m really liking Mercenary Kings. 🙂

          • XboxGamer33

            If you really think the Xbox One is tailored to your “me, me, me” mentality than you’re sad excuse of a consumer that doesn’t understand firms basic reasoning for applying new features to tech.

            Here’s a reason to plug a rig into the Xbox, I have over 2000 songs and would love to easily snap and listen to them. Which I can do as easily as plugging an HDMI in, but the PS3 allows media streaming and the PS4 doesn’t what a step up.

            Yes, I am too stupid to sit through and occasionally pause a walkthrough. Tell me have you ever played Portal? I want you to try a difficult level and tell me how easy it is on your YouTube solution in comparison to mine.

            Now you blame me again of justifying my purchase. Tell me who started this whole debate between me and you? Here’s another thing, the X1 is marketed as an entertainment hub, so if you would (like a rational person) step away from the me, me, me. You’ll find that it does it’s multitasking and switching like it’s marketed to.

            If you wanna bring games into this I’ll bring games. You’re flagship exclusive in Uncharted lost both it’s lead director and it’s lead writer. You have Infamous, Killzone, Knack, Driveclub, The Order, Deep Down and MLB The Show… I have Killer Instinct, Forza 5, Fable Legends, D4, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Kinect Sports Rivals, PvZ, Below, Project Spark. Who has the more diverse and longer list? So what you’re telling me is your games console is getting out played by the entertainment console in games?

            Note I didn’t add your Planet side for the same reason I didn’t add Titanfall because they’re on PC. Shocker… Keep trying to push your purchase on me.. I’m not laughing at you or anything.

            FYI I love how you try and justify Sony doing what MS did with Forza. Keep telling yourself these things and they may come true

          • You are flat out wrong

            Why would I want to listen to music while I play a game? It’s already got a perfectly good soundtrack. Nice of MS to waste 2% of the GPU on that gimmicky crap though. Media streaming? To think I bought a console to play games on.

            “the X1 is marketed as an entertainment hub,” It sure is. What a disaster.

            You have an unfinished fighting game, an unfinished racing game, a game you won’t get until 2016, Swery Kinect crap, a game that might be OK that we haven’t seen anything of since December, a game we haven’t seen anything of since last June, Rare Kinect crap, EA MP-only guff, a timed exclusive and a multiplat. No wonder the 360 got no games last year. Worth the price of admission? Nope. Then again I wouldn’t expect anything better from “XboxGamer.” Feel free to join us in civilized society whenever you want. 🙂

          • XboxGamer33

            Everything you said about the games is highly subjective. If you wanna talk to about not seeing anything. Everything on your list we haven’t seen anything about except for 4 games. So yes you don’t want to admit your wrong, but the fact of the matter is, your GAMES console is being outdone by the competition… Sad really because I thought they had “over 100 games in development”. Which was the biggest PR of the year.

            I don’t know if I should even answer you again. You’re creating a fallacy by saying ” I” again. Are you 12 or something? Do you think companies create things to please you? Okay the entertainment console that suspend games, actually multitask, much larger apps available.

            But no you think everything revolves around you so why don’t we compare what the Xbox has that PlayStation doesn’t even include. Your biggest feature is the share button, you can live stream games and share them everywhere. Xbox has a twitch app that outputs at a higher resolution, a library archive, and we aren’t limited to watching PlayStation only crap. Hell Sony’s answer to sharing is put it on Facebook/Twitter… Nice answer, MS allows you to upload games straight to you YouTube from the One, yeah I think that helps gamers more.

            Xbox-1 PS4-0

            Basic online functionality, we can appear offline, change our username, hell even your privacy settings are worse, and have been attacked by those types of butthurt moms. Because wait for it… Little kids game too? Wow shocker. How long until Sony rips this one off and adds it to their PS4 like say the remote play? WiiU, trophies? Xbox achievements… Party chat? Do I even gave to say? They sent out a survey to add reputation system.. Are you kidding me??

            Xbox-2 PS4-0
            What about gaming betas/demos. Sony refuses to give PS4 owners a demo of Infamous and the only beta you have access to is FF14. I have about 3 demos on my XOne from exclusives. We have gotten the chance to beta Titanfall (twice), Project Spark, Fable Legends will have a beta, Halo 5 might have a beta.. Pretty generous from an entertainment hub

            Xbox- 3 PS4- 0

            AAA games? Must I even list them?

            Xbox- 4 PS4-0

            Finally feature updates.. The last PS4 update that added any major functionality was months ago and it sparked a PlayStation forum thread with well over 70 pages of people complaining about deleted games saves. MS has had a major update since January and each month afterwards… More support for the console? Yes I think MS has been doing that..

            Xbox-5 PS4-0

            Get over yourself, and I respect indies, but I can play them on my PC without experiencing rubber wear from those cheap sticks.. $400s and greatness is still awaiting

          • You are flat out wrong

            I prefer PS’ system. Having total control of my video file to do what I like and likely upload it to where ever is better than having to use the Xbone’s half-baked proprietary editing suite than sticking it on Youtube to be drowned out.

            “your GAMES console is being outdone by the competition”

            In your sad mind, probably. And then you confirm that with your sad little scoreboard. Xbone’s guff games like Ryse? Being dragged out of beta? Pointless gimmicks? Here’s a proper scoreboard.

            PS4 isn’t a massive piece of sh*t. Xbone is.

            PS4 – 100. Xbone – 0.

            By the way, anyone who calls it anything other than “Xbone” is a shill.

          • XboxGamer33

            Lmao oh my, I guess I struck a nerve. Well by this response alone, and the fact you called me an Xdrone earlier means you must have the biggest hard on for that Sony brand. I’m not gonna respond to you if you can’t mount a proper response to that post with half baked excuses like calling Ryse a beta. When you can finish Infamous in about 5 hours through a speed play through… And that you’re just cursing like a 12 year old at an inanimate object. Good day to you sir

          • You are flat out wrong

            Yeah, I couldn’t believe an actual Xbot was still around considering I thought we purged you f*ckers last year. I got the biggest hard-on for non-sh*t consoles like the Wii U and PS4. Xbone? Hahahahaha!

            I never called Ryse a beta, I called it crap. Keep up.

            Back to your gutter you crawl so you can play around with your gimmicky features and wait for games.

          • XboxGamer33

            I’m waiting for games while XOne exclusives have a higher metacritic score than all your PS4 games.. Or for PSN to axtually not be down.. Or for actual updates to come to that horroble UI and features.. Guess the greatness is awaiting strongly in this one.

          • You are flat out wrong

            Ryse, Lococycle, Fighter Within, Crimson Dragon, Kinect Sports Rivals. Uh huh.

            PSN’s been up on PS4 all the time I’ve had it and the UI is great – no gimmicky voice commands needed. Fail less and try not to swallow MS’ nuggety turds with so much vigour. 🙂

          • XboxGamer33

            Lmao did you just pick out of all those games that are secondary launch titles… And not include the big ones like Forza, Titanfall, or Dead Rising? Oh my what delusion…

            And here you go

            There you GI PSN issues every single month from December.. How often do you have to do maintenance to realize that your network is shit.. You compare second rate games that have still scored higher than your launch title Knack.. You (yet again) think the world revolves around you because you don’t have network issues..

            Just stop… I’m begin to catch your stupidity holy crap

          • You are flat out wrong

            Your mileage may vary. F5 is an unfinished racing game missing features and TF is a multiplat. Only decent game there is DR3 and you know what? Still not worth it. It still doesn’t disguise the fact that Xbone has its own impressive array of stinkers.

            Maintenance downtime and a bit of slowdown at Christmas. Meanwhile XBL sh*t the bed at launch and on TF launch day.

            Maybe you just started to notice your own now somebody questioned your stupid presumptions?

          • XboxGamer33

            Yet Forza and Dead Rising still got higher metascores then Killzone and Knack… Yeah smooth

            And did you not read the links, it was more than maintenance downtime and some slowdown.. People in UK and US couldn’t log on period.. Welcome to next gen and January/February was a crashing of the store and the network to some.

            Lastly did we forget about Sony’s PSN being down on launch day? And your only other example is TF… Oh okay sorry, two times vs 6 means Sony wins this one too.. How could I be wrong…

            Take off your fanboy glasses they’re clouding your vision

          • You are flat out wrong

            In that case, Towerfall beat “the most anticipated game of the year.” What a blunder.

            Keep hyping up nothing. That seems to be what you Xbots are really good at.

            Yeah, PSN also went down on day one. So did XBL. What did anyone expect? Wipe your eyes and move on. Just one of those things when it comes to the glorious always-online future.

          • XboxGamer33

            Now you’re throwing indies into a discussion about AAA exclusives… Of course you’re not gonna mention that indies are reviewed on different scale to bigger games because well they’re nowhere near as long and they usually are entertaining for that period.. But no throw it in here again, more fallacies on your end.

            I also did not hype up anything, I guess I should add illiteracy to your list of many adjectives.

            Finally you’re using XBL being down day one and then tell me to relate it’s reliability to that of PSN.. I will wipe my eyes and move because that’s what you fangirls did during the PS3s gen..

            I don’t even know why you’re here on an Xbox article. I find your maturity laughable at best, your arguments baseless and unplausible, and the PS4 as a lacking console. That’s my opinion, idc about your marginally better multiplats, idc about your free “indies” from PS+, and idc about your shittier online service. However as a Sony fangirl, you feel the need to tell me these things while I just laugh at you.

            I’ll say it again, get over yourself

          • You are flat out wrong

            A game is a game. It just so happens to be an independent game and it destroyed “the most anticipated game of the year.” Confirmed buttblasted.

            I’m here to laugh at dumbass Xbots. The fact they think they can still pipe up after last year is hilarious. Back to your sewer you crawl, along with The Red Dragon. Sh*tbox Done.

          • XboxGamer33

            I have noticed with every response your arguments become less and less. Resorting to childish insults, but hey that’s what I expect from the Sony fanboys. I’ll see ya again this E3 when Xbox destroys the games console.. Yet again.. With more AAA exclusives.

            I’ll “crawl back into my “sewer” while you stand by, awaiting that greatness that you were promised

          • You are flat out wrong

            I like a discussion, but there comes a point when responding seriously becomes pointless, especially when it becomes blindingly obvious that the likes of “XboxLoser33” can’t be swayed by facts because it’s “your opinion” that the Sh*tbox is any good.

            Hahahaha, another revisionist. MS got crushed last year. I’ll see you too when MS tries to impress people with Kinect guff, rehashes and crap AR glasses. Will be fun watching SCE destroy MS again, but then again considering MS’ record for crap E3s (see 2009-2012 and to a lesser extent 2013) it shouldn’t be too difficult.

            Wrap up warm in your sewer while you wait for games.

          • XboxGamer33

            Name one fact that you provided me this entire discussion? All I get are responses by me, and then you choose to generally ignore most of my statements and answer with petty name calling.. Go ahead name them, I’m waiting..

            And I hardly consider showing multiplats, that are marketed as exclusives, a way of winning E3.. Hey MS will be showing off some games at PAX. Why isnt the games console attending?

          • You are flat out wrong

            More games (it’s true, look it up), better hardware (it’s true, look it up), Xbone is a underpowered gimped cable box (it’s true, look up their strategy), PS4 has less reliance on gimmicks (muh Kinect to control the UI), Xbone userbase is dumber (as we’ve all seen over the last four years). Game quality is subjective (only thing on the Xbone I could dare about is DR3) and so is online value (subsidised games, yes please!).

            Nope. Showing exclusives built for the system (including a brand new IP, The Order), demonstrating some of the cracking smaller games available and showing off some of the best third party games and then burying the Shit*box Done by rejecting its horrific policies totally bested MS’s cavalcade of mediocre 360 ports, technical blunders, rape joke and $499. What a fantastic moment. First time I felt optimistic about videogames for a long time.

            Yeah, showing off indie games. I thought you lot didn’t like them? Only billion dollar AAA blockbusters for you guys. Hope you like it, it’s all you’re getting for the next few months.

            Looks like PlayStation is attending. Looks like you can play Wolfenstein on the Quad there too But I thought they weren’t showing up?

          • Xtreme Derp

            Factual PS4 Hardware Advantages: +6 CUs, +560 GFlops (44% greater), +16 ROPs, +6 ACEs/CQs, better GPGPU support, better performing CPU, and faster unified memory. PS4 OS may also have less overhead or reserves.

            Both Sony and MS have world class coders that will extract every bit of performance out of their consoles with their drivers/APIs/SDKs. The difference is PS4 simply has more powerful hardware to work with, so it will always stay ahead in graphics performance.

            The bottom line is even if Xbox had a far more powerful CPU and 10000GB of 10000 GB/s memory, it’s ability to render graphics is STILL limited by the weaker GPU. There’s no getting around the weaker GPU, there’s no free lunch.

            If they’re both running at the same resolution the Xbox version will have lower framerate and/or visual effects, or the PS4 hardware isn’t being pushed.

            PS4 will have better performing games for the entire generation as it has more powerful hardware, you can’t overcome a hardware gap with better drivers/SDKs. Any game running on Xbox One can be run with better framerate/resolution/visual effects on PS4.

  • You are flat out wrong

    Having dreams is always nice.

    • Xtreme Derp


      • Da GeeZ

        Wow… you’ve spent a LOT of time on this page mate.
        Have you got bored of playing Knack? Surely not.

        Hey mate, you got any games worth talking about… for your failstation4? It’ just occurred to me, isn’t it funny how no one is talking about Infamous 2nd Son, it was only out a couple of weeks ago!!!? Has anyone noticed that? It came out, there was a few animated gifs…. and… nothing. It died. It was a bit of anti-climax wasn’t it mate, it just wasn’t really a decent game was it? Hey mate, I know you have NO GAMES on the ps4 atm, but look there’s The Order thingy coming soon, I mean that looks good right? Hold on hold on…. damn… this is a shame, the previews were saying that the gameplay is a bit weak, it’s all been done before, and there’s frame-rate issues. Oh shit mate, I feel so sorry for you, that’s another FAILED exclusive on a sony machine. DOH.

        Anyway, at least you can come back here and pass away your time, you seem to enjoy it. Shame there’s just no fun on the ps4… greatness awaits…. and waits… and waits… etc etc etc

        • Xtreme Derp


          PS4 has the superior version of all console AAA multiplats, The Order, Driveclub, MLB 14: The Show, Deep Down, Lily Bergamo, Uncharted 4, more 1st party devs, more dev support including indies, and unannounced 1st party games (Gran Turismo, God of War, etc.) Titanfall 2 will almost certainly be on PS4.

          You’re angry PS4 is more powerful, has more developer support, and is outselling by 3 million. Lots of Microsoft fanboy apologizing, denial, and damage control.

          • Da GeeZ

            0/10 is that your review of Knack? Or Infamous 2nd son… oh sorry this must of been Killzone. Good review mate…should take it up as a profession.

            So you made a list of shite exclusives… now where’s the good ones? Seriously… what a pile of crap mate. god of war… oh my god what a lame-ass franchise that is… just let it die please… the last one was a massive failure. It’s old hat, such lame game design. Gran Turismo is rapidly falling behind the Forza franchise, both the Standard and Horizon versions. GT5 was a shocking mess after 6 long years of development, absolutely abysmal and utterly disappointing. The Order is getting some mixed previews with reviewers not really understanding whats new about it, other than the visuals,which are cool. MLB, whatever. Forget about the rest… ah man, you are really really scrapping the bottom of the barrel… so again matey boy… got any games worth playing on the failstaion4? For all the hype about the power where’s the games worth playing?!?!?

          • Xtreme Derp


          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Calm down Mike, you’ll get an aneurysm.

  • You are flat out wrong

    ” (full disclosure: I am involved with the Star Swarm demo which makes use of this kind of technology.)”

    So he’s got a vested interest in this? Credibility destroyed.

    • Jimmy_Jangle

      Like you have a vested interest in Sony?

      • You are flat out wrong

        Got a vested interest in the Xbone permanently f*cking off, you mean. 🙂

        • Jimmy_Jangle

          Still not a good answer..

          • You are flat out wrong

            It’s the best answer considering the turn of events.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            I doubt that, I sincerely do.

          • You are flat out wrong

            You would. Xbots have lived in abject denial for the last year.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Ah, another brilliant reposte by one of the PSWhores…

            Hirai said the cheque’s in the mail, but don’t cash it as he’ll have to sell the mobile division next if you do…

          • You are flat out wrong

            You’re an Xbot. Denial is in your nature.

            Don’t worry, I’m sure one day Phil Sphincter will pay you a visit and pat you on the head for defending the Xbone’s honour.

            Xbox One: Just Wait.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Keep on trolling my little pony…

            If you, derpdick and clown-boy all f*cked off, this world would be all the richer for it.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Unless you’re one and the same person, which wouldn’t surprise me as Sony probably made the other 2 redundant, leaving you to carry the load.

          • You are flat out wrong

            I could say the same for you Xbot f*cks who defended and apologised for always-online DRM all those months ago.

            Xbots: the scum of the industry.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Sony Rootkit says hi.

            Rank hypocrisy of the worst kind.

          • You are flat out wrong

            You mean the thing to do with Sony BMG eight years ago that probably warded SCE off doing from disc-based DRM on the PS4? Well done.

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Yeah, as if, cockroach.

            They knew perfectly well that they just had to wait for MS to announce their plans, then go with the general mood. Only paid shills like you think otherwise, now THAT is delusion en masse!

            Does Hirai whisper sweet nothings in your ear while he turns your arse into the Japanese flag, and you lap up every bit of lies and FUD?

          • You are flat out wrong

            Hahahaha another “Sony Too!!!” conspiracy theorist with his tinfoil hat on too tight. Sony announced no used game controls months before the Xbone reveal.

            Just accept that MS decided to be unilaterally cancerous and move on. 🙂

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock Yeracock

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            Did they now:


          • You are flat out wrong

            Learn to read. He was referring to altering the marketing message for it, which led to MS’ overwhelming destruction at E3, Matt. Might want to loosen that tinfoil hat on, Microshill. 🙂

          • Jimmy_Jangle

            “Might want to loosen that tinfoil hat on”

            I think you need to learn to read before you press post.

            “He was referring to altering the marketing message for it”

            So, they backtracked? Thought so.

          • You are flat out wrong

            No. They were always doing no disc-based DRM. They kept their confirmation of it quiet until it could get maximum exposure and impact. And by God, it did!

            But don’t worry Matt, you can keep that tinfoil hat on tight if it lets you sleep at night. 🙂

  • Failz

    AMD, Nvidia and Intel all think DX12 is a big improvement and a big step forward to gaming. These 3 companies pretty much created the X1 and PS4 since they all use there hardware. Now who do we believe, do we believe AMD, Nvidia and Intel who have been deigning Hardware for decades and are the best in there class or do we believe the 12 year old trolls on these websites saying people are delusional to think this is going to work? lol Keep hating fanboys, remember that you brought your console off E3 hype so you are the real delusional ones.

    • You are flat out wrong

      Yeah, for PC. Which is what most of the benefits are for.

      You bought your console off being Xbot scum and “Wait for da clawd! Wait for DX12! Wait for E3!” You are the real delusional ones. 🙂

      • Jimmy_Jangle

        Heh. Two sides of one Sony coin:

        X1: “Wait for da clawd!”

        PS4: “Gaikai FTW!”

        The hypocrisy, honestly.

        • You are flat out wrong

          I’m sceptical about PS Now, actually. Outside of Japan, Korea and a few US cities it’ll have the same problems as da clawd unless the engineers have figured something out to mitigate it.

        • XboxGamer33

          Dude don’t even respond to this shill… He’s pathetic and won’t mount a proper counterargument -_-

  • ImonadrugcalledCharlieSheen

    “will Double Performance”, man I’ve heard of reaching before but this is just pathetic, I mean if you’re going to make stuff up at least have it be somewhat in the realm of reality. So much xbone propaganda going on lately, sounds on awful lot like a death rattle.

    • Da GeeZ

      Feeling a little nervous sonyfanboy 🙂

      It’s the great come back dude. You know it’s gonna happen, sony will run out of steam real soon. All their bullshit is gonna start to show and the Xbox Won is gonna sail past the failstation4, just as sony the company goes bankrupt and get’s sold off… oh happy days… oh happy days 🙂

      • You are flat out wrong

        This is what Xbot delusion looks like. Worst fanbase in the industry confirmed. 🙂

        Then again you probably have no games to play considering you spam Disqus with your multiple accounts all the time. 🙂

  • Kari

    If im right~ they both use amd gpu and cpu which uses Directx 11 . so that means PS4 will ….

  • Jake Benducci

    CPU performance, even at 50% is not going to make the Xbox one graphically different ,the GPU matters, but Microsoft has actually a hidden nugget with esRam…..By upping the cpu, theoretically, you can run some processes thru the CPU, and have the esram prepare it for GPU thereby solidifying graphic fidelity. Its not going to change graphics overall, but consistency of on screen performance could greatly improve. Meaning a cleaner gameplay.