Sony says PS4 Neo is coming to keep people off PC.
Overwatch Gameplay:

New Playstation 4K Neo Coming to keep Users off PC: The Guardian



VGN Headlines


andrew house, , E3 2016, , , , , , Neo, new playstation, , , New Xbox One, , , Playstation 4 Neo, Playstation 4K, Playstation Neo, ps 4k, PS Neo, , PS4 Neo, PS4 Neo vs Xbox Scorpio, , PS4 upgrade, PS4 Vs PC, , PS4K, , , , , , ,
  • Hvd

    gl with that sony mt r9 380x is faster then the ps4 neo and its only $230.the rx 480 thats coming out soon is only $199 and as fast as the gtx 980 so good lluck with that.