How do you unblock Roblox on a Chromebook?

HomeHow do you unblock Roblox on a Chromebook?

How do you unblock Roblox on a Chromebook?

How do you unblock Roblox on a Chromebook?

  • Daxton Fairweather
  • 22 July 2023
  • 0

Understanding the Chrome OS and Roblox Compatibility

Many of us are doubtful about whether it's possible to run Roblox on a Chromebook. The truth is, Chromebooks are not the best platform for playing Roblox due to compatibility issues. Chrome OS, the operating system Chromebooks are built on, is different from Windows or macOS and does not support the Roblox software natively. But don't worry! I'll walk you through some workarounds that will let you enjoy Roblox on your Chromebook.

Enabling Google Play Store on Your Chromebook

Before we start with the actual process of unblocking Roblox, it's essential to check if your Chromebook supports the Google Play Store. Not all Chromebooks do, but if yours does, it will make the task much easier. You can do this by going to your Chromebook's settings, scrolling down to the "Google Play Store" section, and enabling the option "Install apps and games from Google Play on your Chromebook". If you do not see this option, unfortunately, your Chromebook does not support the Play Store and you'll have to follow the other methods listed below.

Installing Roblox from Google Play Store

If your Chromebook supports the Google Play Store, installing Roblox is as simple as installing any other app. Open the Play Store, search for "Roblox", click on the first result that appears, and then click on the "Install" button. Once the installation is complete, you can open the app and start playing right away. Note that the performance of Roblox on your Chromebook might not be as smooth as on other platforms, because Chromebooks are not primarily designed for gaming.

Using the Chromebook's Web Browser

If the Google Play Store is not available on your Chromebook, you can still play Roblox using the Chromebook's web browser. Simply open your browser, go to the Roblox website, and log in to your account. Once logged in, you can browse the available games and start playing. Please note that this method might not work for all games, as some may require the Roblox software to be installed.

Enabling Developer Mode on Your Chromebook

If the above methods do not work for you, or if you want to have the complete Roblox experience on your Chromebook, you can try enabling Developer Mode. This will allow you to install and run the Linux version of Roblox. However, please note that enabling Developer Mode will wipe all data from your Chromebook, so make sure to back up any important files before proceeding. It also makes your Chromebook less secure, so proceed with caution.

Installing Roblox on Linux (Beta)

Once Developer Mode is enabled, you can install Linux (Beta) on your Chromebook. Once Linux (Beta) is installed, you can use it to download and install the Roblox software. This will allow you to play all Roblox games, not just those that are browser-compatible. However, please note that this method requires some technical knowledge and might not work on all Chromebooks.

Using a VPN to Unblock Roblox

In some cases, Roblox might be blocked on your network, such as in a school or workplace. In this case, you can use a VPN to unblock Roblox. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. It can be used to access region-restricted websites by masking your original IP address. However, please use this method responsibly, as it might be against the rules of your network.


Playing Roblox on a Chromebook might not be as straightforward as on other platforms, but it's definitely possible. Whether it's through the Google Play Store, the web browser, or Linux (Beta), there's a way for you to enjoy Roblox on your Chromebook. Just remember to follow the steps carefully, and always back up your important files before making any major changes to your device. Happy gaming!

About Author
Daxton Fairweather

Daxton Fairweather


Hi, I'm Daxton Fairweather, a gaming expert with a passion for writing about my favorite pastime. I've been playing games since I was a kid and have developed a deep understanding of their mechanics, storylines, and what makes them fun. I enjoy sharing my insights and opinions through articles, reviews, and in-depth analysis pieces. My goal is to help fellow gamers find the best games to play and to provide engaging content for the gaming community. I currently live in Perth, Australia with my spouse Louisa and our two kids, Eliette and Magnus. When I'm not gaming or writing, I can often be found reading science fiction novels, painting miniatures, or gazing at the stars with my reliable cat, Dickens, by my side.

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